Ongoing repairs to the zinc-paneled exterior of U.S. Bank Stadium remain visible with no hard deadline for completion and the $1.1 billion building’s Super Bowl showcase getting closer by the day.

Ongoing repairs to the zinc-paneled exterior of U.S. Bank Stadium remain visible with no hard deadline for completion and the $1.1 billion building’s Super Bowl showcase getting closer by the day.
In theory, an NFL team playing in the intimate confines of a soccer stadium should be an experience like no other. Even the least popular NFL team has a fan base that vastly outpaces what the MLS can even dream of (with the possible exceptions of Seattle and Atlanta, maybe Portland, maybe Toronto).
Levi’s Stadium christened its fourth NFL season Sunday afternoon, and the problems that have plagued the building since its opening in 2014 remain: hot weather, lousy football and empty seats.
The NFL’s Miami Dolphins are taking extra precautions to protect their home turf at Hard Rock Stadium from Hurricane Irma just months after the facility underwent major renovations.
Hurricane Irma continues to create uncertainty with the Miami Dolphins’ season opener against Tampa Bay. The NFL said in a statement Tuesday that the game won’t be played at 1 p.m. Sunday at Hard Rock Stadium, as originally scheduled.